Specification of Wurlitzer Theatre Organ

Main Chamber: Solo Chamber:
Diaphonic Diapason 16′ – 4′ / 85 Pipes English Horn 8′ / 61 Pipes
Tibia Clausa II 8′ – 2′ / 85 Pipes Brass Trumpet 8′ / 61 Pipes
Clarinet 8′ / 61 Pipes Harmonic Tuba 16′ – 4′ / 85 Pipes
Violin 8′ – 2′ / 85 Pipes Tibia Clausa I 16′ – 2′ / 97 Pipes
Violin Celeste 8′ – 4′ / 73 Pipes Kinura 8′ / 61 Pipes
Viol d’Orchestre 8′ – 2′ / 85 Pipes Orchestral Oboe 8′ / 61 Pipes
Viol Celeste 8′ – 4′ / 73 Pipes Brass Saxophone 8′ / 61 Pipes
Krumet 8′ / 61 Pipes Oboe Horn 8′ / 61 Pipes
Concert Flute 16′ – 2′ / 97 Pipes Vox Humana 8′ / 61 Pipes
Concert Flute Celeste 4′ / 61 Pipes Total (Both Chambers): 1,375 Pipes
Tonal Percussions: Non-Tonal Percussions:
Grand Piano 85 Notes (unenclosed) Bass Drum (+ Kettle Dr) Castanets
Harp (+ Marimba) 49 Notes Crash Cymbal Tom Tom
Cathedral Chimes 25 Notes Tap Cymbal Sand Block
Sleigh Bells 25 Notes Roll Cymbal Triangle
Xylophone 37 Notes (Unenclosed) Gong – – – – – – – –
Glockenspiel 30 Notes Snare Drum + Assorted
Chrysoglott (+ Vibraphone) 49 Notes (Unenclosed) Tambourine Sound Effects
32 Resultant 8 English Horn 8 Clarinet Bass Drum
16 Tuba Profunda 8 Trumpet 8 Cello (Violin) Kettle Drum
16 Diaphone 8 Harmonic Tuba 8 Cello (V d’O) Crash Cymbal
16 Tibia Clausa (Solo) 8 Diaphonic Diapason 8 Flute Cymbal
16 Bourdon 8 Tibia Clausa (Solo) 16 Piano Accomp. to Pedal Coupler
Great to Pedal Coupler
8 Harmonic Tuba 8 Viol Celeste 4 Viol (V d’O) Harp
8 Diaphonic Diapason 8 Oboe Horn 4 Octave Celeste (V d’O) Chrysoglott
8 Tibia Clausa (Main) 8 Concert flute 4 Flute Snare Drum
8 Clarinet 8 Vox Humana 4 Vox Humana Tambourine (re-it)
8 Saxophone 4 Octave 2 Twelfth Castanets
8 Violin 4 Piccolo (Main Tibia) 2 Piccolo Tom Tom / Sand Block
8 Violin Celeste 4 Viol (Violin) 8 Piano Octave Coupler
8 Viol d’Orchestre 4 Octave Celeste Harp Sub Solo to Accomp. Coupler
16 English Horn (TC) 8 English Horn 8 Vox Humana 2 Fifteenth (V d’O)
16 Trumpet (TC) 8 Trumpet 5 Quint (Solo Tibia) 2 Piccolo
16 Tuba Profunda 8 Harmonic Tuba 4 Octave 1 Tierce
16 Diaphone 8 Diaphonic Diapason 4 Piccolo (Solo Tibia) 1 Fife (Flute)
16 Tibia Clausa (Solo) 8 Tibia Clausa (Solo) 4 Piccolo (Main Tibia) 16 Piano
16 Tibia Clausa (Main) (TC) 8 Tibia Clausa (Main) 4 Viol II Ranks (Violin) 8 Piano
16 Clarinet (TC) 8 Clarinet 4 Viol II Ranks (V d’O) 4 Piano
16 Orchestral Oboe (TC) 8 Kinura 4 Flute Harp
16 Saxophone (TC) 8 Orchestral Oboe 4 Vox Humana Xylophone
16 Contra Viol (TC) II Ranks 8 Saxophone 2 Twelfth (Tibia) (Solo) Glockenspiel
16 C/Viol (TC) (V d’O) II Rks 8 Violin II Ranks 2 Twelfth (Tibia) (Main) Chrysoglott
16 Krumet (TC) 8 Viol d’Orch, II Ranks 2 Twelfth Sub-Octave Coupler
16 Oboe Horn (TC) 8 Krumet 2 Piccolo (Tibia) (Solo) Unison-Off Coupler
16 Bourdon 8 Oboe Horn 2 Piccolo (Tibia) (Main) Octave Coupler
16 Vox Humana (TC) 8 Concert Flute 2 Fifteenth (Violin) Solo to Great Coupler
16 English Horn (TC) 8 Tibia Clausa (Main) 4 Harmonic Clarion Harp
16 Trumpet (TC) 8 Clarinet 4 Octave Cathedral Chimes
16 Tuba Profunda 8 Kinura 4 Piccolo (Solo Tibia) Sleigh Bells
16 Tibia Clausa (Solo) 8 Orchestral Oboe 4 Piccolo (Main Tibia) Xylophone
8 English Horn 8 Saxophone 4 Viol II Ranks (Violin) Glockenspiel
8 Trumpet 8 Violin II Ranks 4 Viol II Ranks (V d’O) Chrysoglott
8 Harmonic Tuba 8 Viol d’Orch. II Ranks 2 Twelfth (Tibia) (Solo) Sub Octave Coupler
8 Diaphonic Diapason 8 Krumet 2 Piccolo (Tibia) (Solo) Unison Off Coupler
8 Tibia Clausa (Solo) 8 Vox Humana 8 Piano Octave Coupler
Accompaniment Second Touch:
8 English Horn 8 Diaphonic Diapason Cymbal Solo to Acc. Coupler
8 Trumpet 8 Tibia Clausa Tambourine (slap) Solo to Acc. Pizzicato Coup-
8 Harmonic Tuba 4 Tibia Clausa Great Oct. to Acc. Cplr ler (operates on 1st Touch)
Great Second Touch:
16 English Horn (TC) 8 Harmonic tuba Solo to Great Pizzicato Coupler (operates on 1st Touch)
Tremulants: Percussions (Tabs):
Main English Horn Tibia Clausa (Solo) Marimba / Harp Re-it
Tibia Clausa (Main) Trumpet/Orch.Oboe/Sax Kinura/Oboe Horn Xylophone Re-it
Vd’Orch/Krumet/Flute Celeste Tuba Vox Humana Glockenspiel (Bells) Re-it
Other Controls, etc.:
Vibraphone Chrysoglott Dampers String Celestes ‘OFF’ Flute Celeste ‘ON’
15 General Thumb Pistons 10 Thumb Pistons each to Acc., Great and Solo manuals. 4 Toe Pistons to Pedal
Setter Piston General Cancel Piston 3 Divisional Cancel Pistons Tom Tom / Sand Block Selector
Console Lights Switch/Dimmer Pedal Traps to 2nd Touch Great ‘Sostenuto’ Foot Switch Piano Sustain Toe Button
3 Balanced Swell Pedals 3 Swell Coupler Switches General Crescendo Pedal Crescendo Pedal Indicator

Mighty Wurlitzer Theatre, Cinema Pipe Organ Specification.